Monday 7 March 2011

Week 2 - Digital Citizenship

Here's some information that will help you get further underway in ETL523:

1. Find your study schedule in the Resources of ETL523. Keep an eye on this schedule, so that you are prepared to submit your topic proposal for Assignment 1.

2.  You do NOT need to keep a blog of your own, and we are NOT using the blog tool within Interact. I am sorry to have confused you with turning on the blog tool - but as I am new to Interact, I was 'sort of' experimenting, hoping that the Blog tool would have more features.  All you need to do is read the Digital Blog when I post an announcement.

3.  You do NEED to keep and eye on the Digital Blog - as that is where I am adding additional information, along with videos.  Podcasts would have been easier for me, but I think that combining specific information with the videos will provide you all with a better record. It will allow you to better undertake your study program when it suits you best.

4. If you have a blog and would like to have it hyperlinked in this blog, on a separate page, so we can all find it easily, please email me. I'd be really pleased to do this, as I think we can support ourselves in this learning venture in so many different ways - blogging is just one of them!

4. Learning in a Changing World Series books from ALIA/ASLA are available from ACER.

5. Brooks-Young, S. (2010). Teaching with tools kids really use: Learning with web and mobile technologies. Thousand Oaks, California:Corwin.  This book has some great questions in each chapter. The author highlights the importance of 21st century skills: The content knowledge and applied skills that today's students need to master to thrive in a continually evolving workplace and society. Yes, digital citizenship fits right in!

6. Video in our Diigo account, that was shared with us by Mike Riddle, in the Digital Citizenship Facebook Group. 

This was quite exciting really - it shows us 'connectedness' in action, and makes the point that knowing what is happening is not just about waiting for someone to tell us or teach us - it's also about being connected and filtering and bringing the information towards us. By becoming adept online users, we can become adept teachers to model online behaviours to our students. Information curation is a knowledge skill, just as digital identity is a personal/privacy skill.  We need many combined skills to be effective users of web and mobile technologies.

What shall we aim for next?

Remember, I'm keen for you to read, explore, and experience some of the links and resources that are available in your Topic 1 Module.

Use your Topic 1 Module to begin discussing what you discover, what you query, and what puzzles you by getting into the Forum Topic 1 which has been added to the left hand menu bar on Interact.

Dig into Diigo and see what else takes your interest.  You will begin to choose to follow up those links that directly link to your areas of interest OR to your specific proposal for Assignment 1.

If you see me online, feel free to have a chat!  But please be aware that if I am online when you are, I  may actually already be in another chat, with another group. I won't be intentionally ignoring you :-).

CHAT WITH ME  - I will be available on Wednesday 9th at 8:30 Sydney time, for anyone who would like to drop in for a group chat.

The key points from the video below have been included in this post.

Image: Question Mark

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Judy. That was an incredibly helpful take on Topic 1 which I am working through ( rest assured!) . Yes, there's no shortage of material here, so it was helpful to take your points on what to focus on. I found the FOSI conference really useful. I was encouraged when Mike Ribble said that we could almost drop the 'digital' part of citizenry and look at encouraging/ educating people to be good citizen and this extends to digital environment. This acknowledges the widespread permeation of the digital world in our lives. It's an idea which I feel, at this point, offers the most viable opportunities for the inclusion of the development of digital citizenry in our schools; as part of civil and civics / value based components of the curriculum already in existence. Karen Keighery ( Comment as anonymous as had trouble posting using other criiteria?)
